PharmaTher Holdings Ltd.

Literally The Most Undervalued "Shroom Stock?"

I mean look, I know it's all a bunch of speculative mumbo jumbo, but some of these other psychedelic companies have like, BILLION dollar market caps! That's crazy, right? I mean sure, they will certainly disrupt an incredibly-entrenched industry, but it's going to take time for that to happen...

That said, I think there are going to be baby steps, which means they're going to work with what they know is effective in the "now." So yeah, ketamine. I'm not a huge fan either, but it's super difficult to ignore it's efficacy in the face of all the facts. I know it's contraindicated for certain individuals, but I still believe there's an avenue for success available for novel formulations. It all looks wacky and appears at first to be pseudoscience, but we're talking about research methods (like PanaceAI) that have been under development for years. It's crazy until it happens, and then it's useful.

And it's more than icing on the cake that ketamine is a candidate for the treatment of a whole litany of movement disorders such as ALS. Iiii know, vile, evil drugs are bad and horrible. They'll certainly kill us all, as they always have.

But seriously, look into a few things before you scoff at reality. "NMDA receptor antagonist," "parkinson's LID ketamine," "ketamine glutamate."

Oh, I mentioned market caps. There's a fundamental reason to pay close attention here: as of right now (5/2/21), it's looking like a little north of $14 million USD. The company already had a pre-IND meeting with the FDA regarding their first Phase II trial, and as noted in the chart, the announcement was made on 4/20. For those that aren't aware, this means that the company will be permitted to commence their trials as soon as 5/21, provided that the FDA does not deny the IND request. 8 sites, up to 36 patients.. based on "no-brainer" data. Catalyst one.

Let me know how wrong I am about this, please. I am begging you to give me a counterpoint here, because I've dug and dug and haven't found it yet.
Yes, I'm aware "Most Undervalued" is also "Least Valued" *shrug*
In hindsight, I appear to have played myself! What a foolish creature!

I've been keeping an eye on the price and wondering why my limit buys haven't been successful- the share price hasn't dropped below .1792 since 4/26/21! I thought this was an odd coincidence considering that I had posted a short stock analysis that day on a public forum.

So six days after an important announcement, but one day after ...

One of these days I'll relearn how to be quiet, and I'll be all the happier for doing so.
Hey! A dip!

Also spotted a big, weird-shaped ask wall sometime on 5/12- something like 401,193. Hey, you! Thanks for... uh.. That? It's easy to think that it's "keeping the price down," but in this instance it appeared more as a function of "preventing the price from falling further," considering this was around the time of one of the steeper market corrections. In the grand scheme of things, 400k shares isn't "a ton," but it's a nice gesture to not see the share price fall off a cliff.

Since I'm irritating by nature, I purchased an annoying amount. It's now driving me insane not to have a round number in my portfolio, so of course I'll be doing it again soon. You're welcome? Or I'm sorry. Both, probably.

Something that I haven't ever seen mentioned: ketamine clinics currently exist! I suppose it's something that I was vaguely aware of, but I hadn't realized that they were allowed to operate pretty openly on the "off label" utilization of ketamine therapy. That means that folks with early stage movement disorders are able to book appointments and receive similar treatments in the present. Same for addiction / eating disorders / PTSD / TRD / etc.

But the kicker? It's off label! No insurance coverage. No Medicare, no Medicaid. So what happens if the clinical trials show positive results? I honestly don't know! I mean, the real answer is actually something like, "Phase III trials," but I mean...

I don't know. I see a dire need and an efficacious medicine. The math is pretty simple from there!
What happened!? Big moves up, that's what! But.. hang on-

Wait, are you serious? Is that really how long it takes "the boys upstairs" to make a decision in 2021? The research and relevant company news were already out there, so I guess I don't 100% understand how a fool like me could see this coming. I mean uh, you know... Pre-IND meetings typically yield IND acceptance.

Whatever, I think it's great. More than great!

I can't help but wonder why this hasn't been explored as a treatment option earlier. I mean, no, really: if the choices were between two sedatives to ameliorate the effects of LID, why would a doctor not choose ketamine right off the bat? The answer right now, of course, is that "it hasn't been explored yet," but that's a recursive argument that points out the raw lunacy of the issue. Seriously, how did Big Pharma miss this? Really, no, I'm super optimistic about the oncoming data, so I'm really, very seriously asking, "Why??"

Uh so correcting earlier notions (kind of): they "are able to" as in "permitted to" commence trials, but they won't actually start until Q3 (I think!). Still huge.

And bringing on another ALS specialist is a great sign for forward thinking. If I'm being honest, I don't see the movement disorder arm being a 20year thing (omg plz by then just be gene remediated), but there's very clearly a large unmet need that exists *now* that needs to be filled by existing medicine. So for the folks at home, I'm saying that ketamine is "next," but not "next-next." Imminent, which is important to our short-term ape brains. ... And you know what? People need medicine /now/.

AAaaaand there's still psych 2.0's in the pipeline...

No, I get it- the psychedelic wave is/was a big "gold rush," of sorts, but I think PharmaTher is a player that's carved out an actionable niche. Keep an eye out!!
One of these days we'll need to talk about that Newscope Capital -> PharmaTher pivot, because it was more than just a name change. The communications focus shifted pretty heavily as well.

Totally makes sense if an actionable plan to deliver necessary medicine pops up, of course.

Pernyataan Penyangkalan