💵  E a r n i n g s J o u r n a l 

📶 S T A T I S T I C A L A N A L Y S I S          
Current 50-Day Market Trend: short/sellers/negative.
Next Swing: negative swing to resistance.
Next Wave: buy wave to the deviation.
Next 50-Day Market Trend: long/buyers/positive.
Trade Type: Touch & Go don't wait for a close.         

💵 E A R N I N G S A T A G L A N C E
Release Date: 10/18 AMC
Revenue Anticipations: negative surprise for Revenues.
Revenue Surprise-Confidence: on a scale of 0-9, #2
Revenue 2-Year Trend: the company trend in Revenues is positive.
EPS Anticipations: positive surprise for EPS.
EPS Surprise-Confidence: on a scale of 0-9, #6
EPS 2-Year Trend: the company trend in EPS is neutral.

📝 S Y N O P S I S
"I expect the market will buy the +surprise if the earnings report hits the Wall Street consensus, or sell the -surprise if the earnings report misses the Wall Street consensus."

🔎 R E S E A R C H D E P T H
Technical Analysis: daily chart.
Fundamental Analysis: EPS & Revenue data.
Press/News: none.
Social Media: none.
2023EarningsWave Analysis

Pernyataan Penyangkalan