bronbro monitor is where I'm getting onchain metrics for evmos like bonded rate, ratio, apr and other such useful metrics.
Bonded ratio has flattened on the 30 day chart. 2 million EVMOS just hanging around loose in wallets. There are several reasons to stay liquid, several dapps are launching and several ICS are going up, EVMOS might just make a soft landing on the $2.20 by October, but volume over time and price suggests floor falls out steep at the $1.80 range. My target price range by halloween is ($1.90-1.85)
On chain metrics and strong restaking (compounding) community in combination with macro climate strongly suggests a solid bounce off supports starting at $2.00
Let me know if this chart was less shittier than the previous one. Thanks for checking it out.
Token is so new all the metrics are kind of useless other than look at #1 and #2 coins and then look at Cosmos network. Network doesnt bring in much value per se, but that was technically a consequence of such an open easy to use SDK for Tendermint and Ethermint. Also noteworthy, governance prop for retro payment for ETHERMINT work is being voted on, 2 million tokens on the vote I think. Could be wrong, plz check commonwealth governance for official news.
Expecting some amount of dump on the tokens as many believe they have enough and want to sell for other token projects and most likely STARS as there is a bunch of following/people taking their compounded rewards there. If anyone know where I can find a better flow of tokens other than osmosis let me know.
thx, glhf out there!