EURUSD will REACH 1.3 after CRASHING DOWN to 1.15!! QWA

Oleh JBPip
Like I said, I'm the best in the MULTIVERSE BY FAR. But at least it is entertaining to see so many lose money by NOT STUDYING. Please, without study you will reach 3000% of the fibonacci, but in a downtrend. ROFL! I do these analyzes in two seconds mentally, I think I will be the Tesla of this generation, I remember when I said: "I would like to be like him (Tesla, DaVinci, etc.)". Now I have the design of one, and the wave knowledge of the other.

This is intelligent design, in the world there is no such thing as free will, we all have the same behavior over time, and it is determined by the fibonacci / golden ratio, which for me is the brush of God in the universe. Please stop reading fairy tales. #SmartDesign

"Little science takes you away from God, but a lot takes you to Him" ​​—Louis Pasteur

When you understand all these things, and notice how the universe is totally in PERFECT HARMONY, you will only say one thing: "THERE MUST BE A CREATOR".

This was already written:

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are CLEARLY seen, being understood by the things that ARE MADE, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are WITHOUT EXCUSE". — Ro . 1:20

My inspiration was Tesla , he makes me cry as I read him as despite everything, he did wonders, he does not need anything more than his OWN MIND, he was THE GREATEST in history, I come to relive his work. This is quantum knowledge, the clearest explanation of the universe, matter, energy ... I had a bit more luck to be born at this time, JUST THAT.
atrteamChart PatternsEURUSDHarmonic PatternsimmasteryacademyjbpipMarket GeometryosadiasteamquantumanalysisquantumpatternssnipersbrothersWave Analysis

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