SPX - at least 10% upside upcoming

Oleh Vyaz
Seems like SPX has found the base for another push up to 4400+ zone in wave C of larger B. It may take up to 2 months to complete this structure.
I count recent choppy action as wave 1 taking shape of expanding diagonal, it may still do one more spike up before retracement in 2. 3840 should be a stop-loss here.
Trade aktif
So far it goes as planned, though fib-wise it might land near 4330-4350 zone.
Trading ditutup: target tercapai
Forecast was correct trend-wise though it hasn't reached required target. Cycle-wise reached the peaks within the cycle target range, further longs should be very cautious.
esfuturesSPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)Wave Analysis

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