I didn't think that we were going to scam pump so hard, but the exit liquidity was required.
The market maker has shown their hand. They want out and they are getting out at the top of the range. had we hit the lower levels (44) or (38) before the spring then things would be different right now. Instead the Market maker has initiated a short squeeze. this is why I do not short scam markets. He will take the liquidity from the short squeeze to exit his position.
Once the shorts have covered up here, then expect 7-8 dollars for this stock.
People will laugh, people will talk shit, but they will lose all their money so I don't care.
Trend is still down.
"crypto" is a shadow of its former self. Bitcoin is captured by the state, and the rest are being attacked by the state.
If you don't understand. I don't have time to explain.