Good afternoon everyone hope you are all well and enjoying the weather ok lets get to it I noticed we have a lot of support & resistance at the $8000 - $8100 level as we posted this a few days ago im not sure if we can call this a double bottom but time will tell i need to check other trends and indicators to confirm if we are in fact going to bounce from this we are out of the trending channel a while ago the ema look like crap to be honest, once that cross over happens it was obviously going to go bearish, im just throwing this idea out there i did expect a pullback to $7600 but we went bullish again there was a lot of sideways movement yesterday and low volume towards the end of the day let's see what today brings, i have many charts with many different trend but there not up for sharing i do not want to create fear or even create false hopes.
But we need did warn people yesterday to keep a close eye once we fell out of the trending channel and was confirmed not to be a bear trap it was game over (short term)..You will notice this area is filled with support / resistance looking from past history we put a chart up yesterday showing this area, time will tell the EMA 10, 21 ,50 look like they have crossed on almost all of the time frames although i cant check fully not having pro..But take notice of past times we have bounced from this region it could be ALGORITHMS automatically buying at this price who knows..The amount of shilling and manipulation is only getting
worse not better.
Will update tonight once i have double checked the charts over again. And yes the SHILLS are now posting this past 20 mins all over
youtube Twitter and on here same old crap...And no not every one who disagrees with me or other people are shills they come out
at specific times to install fear.