Sometimes it helps to see things from another perspective.
Long term bullish.
Fib channels are going to expand soon, and we will see a decent amount of Bitcoin acceptance to the ever changing conditions that is, our present day. Acceptance of our deteriorating economic conditions globally, is a result from deteriorating wisdom and management of global leaders.
The incapable manage the capable, and that is why we have Bitcoin in the first place. We are mercifully capable of systematic improvement upon imperfect perfection. In other words, we know what wrong is, and we can improve upon wrong to make success from loss or failure. We CAN improve upon the past, without having to repeat it again. We CAN fix problems, and not stay stuck forever in them.
Failure to improve upon the wrong is immature, childish, and when chosen- it's evil. The opposite of good. That is what global leadership seeks to force, to ensure chaotic enslavement reigns permanently (especially with their soon to be mandatory CBDC's- aka...the perfection of control over you).
Bitcoin is a vessel to fix money and problems that have been broken since the beginning. It is financial protection from the state enslaving you further.
All for one, one for all.
Money as we have known it is already dead. We are in the period of transition negotiation for how it will look for the long term future. Learning more equips your voice with wisdom, never stop being a student or observer of the world you live in too.