AUD/USD - 6H Entry Confirmation - Minor Trend-Line Break (Pull-B

AUD/USD - 6H Entry Confirmation - Minor Trend-Line Break (Pull-Back Entry).
@: 0.78745
S/L: 0.78120 (-35 PIPS)
T/P: 0.79000 (+52 PIPS)
Risk:Reward: 1.83:1 (Good)
ENTRY: As we see that price has closed -ABOVE- our Minor-Trend; we should be expecting a rise to the upside. As we never were able to close -BELOW- our Major Trend-Line to the down-side.

S/L: We placed our Stop +5 PIPS -BELOW- our previous Higher/Low that was made. As if price were to manage hit it and close -BELOW- we could continue with a down-side movement.

UNEXPECTED: We have a lot of news coming out in a little over of 3 Hours so we have to be prepared and take precaution for the Unemployment Rates that will be released. If price were to close -BELOW- our Major-Trend we should then be looking for a move to the downside. With a high-impact news we have to be prepared of sudden High-Volatile movements as they can "Stop/Hunt us out".

EXTRA: If our 8H candle closed -ABOVE- in the next coming hours we can add another position to this pair; with a potential of +110 PIPS of profit out of a +50 PIP trend.

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