AAPL - 100SMA supported the Bounce

Oleh HK_L61
Apple's EPS on the 28th was an admission they will lose $6 Billion due to the Chip Shortage.

Timmy hinted at Pricing Power due to the shortage... at a time when Consumers are reeling in
expenditures to Place more Bets at the Flamingo.

Institutions are SELLERS of size, Apple is EXPENSIVE for their Book.

Momentum is picking up, Apple's dismal Q3 was grossly distorted by the usual "Lookie Lookie Here,
And NOT over There."

Cookie for the iMob.

No mention of the Apple Car... odd, Hertz would have more than Doubled on an iMob Rental with
Apple Car Play.


The Apple Cult is looking forward to Apple building its own Death Star as soon as Stock Buybacks conclude.

Funding a Divi, buying back stock, but using DEBT to complete this feat.

Hoarding CASH on HAND.

Innovation - no, not factually, unless you consider Financial Wrangling innovation. One must wonder how
this escaped Cathy Wood over at the ARKK of the Covenant.

Apple 2.0 - Debt outstanding since 2012 is now... enormous. Apple's balance sheet as of January 28, 2021,
long-term debt is at $99.28 billion and current debt is at $12.76 billion, amounting to $112.04 billion in
total debt.

Adjusted for 36.billion in cash equivalents, the company's net debt is at $76 billion

A Cult of DEBT.

Buybacks are 80% of the Value of the S&P500, Eighty Percent.

Timmy is an Accountant by Profession... engineering DEBT structure, nothing more.

Simply Accounting shenanigans from Sir Timo, Black Hole Sun sucking in Liquidity while its available and
in play/trade @ the Flamingo.


Debt to Equity - A remarkable Game of Jekyll & Hyde the Cheese

Minimum 0.6613 Dec 2016
Maximum 1.895 Jun 2021
Average 1.188

It is now 2.11 as of the close of Q3.

Impressive, how the Cult of iMobbery is utterly clueless about their own robbery.

A Company bidding its own Stock Price UP.

Apple in Sum.
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