Introduction - I am setting up for 16-20 hours per day continuous gold forecasting. I MAY have the demand to start this now, I am not totally sure. I'll find out in a day or two. Let me be clear, if there was ever a time to trade gold, THIS IS OBVIOUSLY THAT TIME.
Details - In chart above, this is a slightly modified route vs most recent route from DRAFT 12's FINAL BINARY THESIS, which this morning made bear route to 6/12 out right favorite with the break under 2300. If you've followed me regularly, I've made it clear that strong forecasting requires around the clock update to anticipate global price swings due to the forex three session system. This allows us to stay one step ahead of price action for majority of the time. I think I have enough demand to make this a reality now, but I am not very sure. So if this is what you'd like to have at $100 a month, send me a message (IF YOU HAVEN'T YET) or post it in the comments so I can track the demand. Right this second, it's still just a list of people interested. Thank you.