22 Feb 2022 pukul 23.21

SPX CHARTING Elliot Wave Analysis (Buyable pullback short term) 

S&P 500SP


To Whom It May Concern,

Daring Leap first started off as a cause based business looking to offer technical analysis services to consumers and used part of our proceeds to help the homelessness cause. Due to lack of support, the business closed and we can no longer help the cause to stop homelessness in America. We no way intended to stop homelessness in America by ourselves, as this is unreasonable. We were trying to get funding to finish writing books about how we could stop this together. This never materialized as our resources dwindled. Being the bearer of bad news of how bad things have became after COVID, just the talk about this subject had negative stigma on our business but we tried to push on through it. We are not perfect people, we make mistakes and due to our imperfect nature, it is paramount that we forgive each other. Forgiving has become rare in today's society. Lack of forgiveness result in resentments and our judgment becomes cloudy as more resentments take root. Everything that may be subjectively wrong and objectively unknown is nitpicked until it's thrown out with rooted resentments. Please use these charts at your own risk. These charts are my opinions on the market, not recommendations.

Daring Leap
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