17 Mar 2021 pukul 02.24

QS - Inverse Setting-Up 

QuantumScape CorporationNYSE


A day-traders dream, and a solid-state wish for a sustainable energy future. If it beats the coppertop it flies long term. Short-term, there is a pattern to scout.
anyone else's eyes hurting looking at this? 1984 video game graphics, spend more time on the trends & macro forces and less on stylizing something that few will really rely on going forward
@moveforward01, As a disclaimer I added a little bit extra style to the recent TSLA IH&S post and refunds are not included
so you expecting another drop down to below 50?
@weamins, all eyes on the Fed today, if they decide to signal rate increases my thesis is that we would see a drop across the board.
@Krisvt, I dont see that happening. no way FED will indicate any rate increase in today's meeting..they will remain status quo
@weamins, dot-plot for 2023 signals rate increase with a slim majority, that is what I am thinking.
@Krisvt, Yes that's possibility and that can create havoc in market...easy 10% sell off across the board! hope not..flinger crossed
@weamins, No way they'll increase rates, theyd rather let inflation run than increase rates and risk damaging the economic recovery.
@Ajax-Big, agree, no rate increase today, but a signal that they are coming in 2023
@Krisvt, 2023 can come when it comes, i think the market just needs to hear that no rate increases are coming in the next 1-2 years right now. Ideally we wouldnt be in a situation where we have to choose between market stability/coking up an already near overdosed market and rapid inflation but what can we do.
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