6 Mei 2020 pukul 12.51

(NEO/BTC) We Need Lots of guns. I Know You're Out There Pembelian

NEO / BitcoinBinance


Hey NEO Bugs!

If you are like me and missed the amazing NEO jump from $1 in June to almost $60 in August 2017, now might be a good time to buy in!

NEO is a Chinese Ethereum clone that has had a really slick marketing campaign. It launched originally as “Ant Shares,” before taking on the name of the hero from The Matrix movies.

Like Ethereum, NEO allows users to create smart contracts and documents that are embedded in cryptocurrency. This allows the creation of cryptocurrency-based agreements like wills and altcoin-based securities such as bonds. It can also be scaled up to create marketplaces.

Unlike most cryptocurrencies; which are shrouded in secrecy, NEO has been very transparent and extensively promoted. The public face and cofounder of its team, Da Hongfei, Tweets constantly and regularly talks to reporters. You can even find Da’s picture on his Twitter feed and he regularly appears at events such as TED talks and conferences.

Strangely NEO might be bringing a disruptive new concept to the world of cryptocurrencies: middle class respectability. Da looks like a banker; or a college professor, and his team is running its initial cryptocurrency offering (NYSE:ICO) like the IPO of a new bank.

This more than anything else might attract middle and upper class investors to cryptocurrencies. It also gives NEO an edge on competitors like DASH (formerly DarkCoin); and Bitcoin which have very sleazy histories. Particularly because its promoter looks like a guy your mother might buy a mortgage from.

What’s more interesting is that NEO has an office in China that looks the headquarters of any other tech company. Da Tweeted pictures of a bunch of geeks at work in an office space that might belong in Silicon Alley.

I believe NEO may prove to be one of the most undervalued altcoins on the market today. I believe it is worth 10X its current value.

Here are 5 reasons why investing in NEO would be a wise move:

i. More transaction capability. NEO can perform approx. 10,000 transactions per second. ETH can do 15.
ii. Regulatory compliance. ETH's platform is not approved by the Chinese establishment, while NEO has a great relationship with Chinese banks and regulations.
iii. China, one of the world's largest crypto markets, will switch to NEO from ETH over time. See any Chinese business alternative to any foreign website/brand.
iv. NEO has a growing relationship with Microsoft. ETH does not.
v. NEO can be used in most common coding languages. ETH only uses their own Solidity network, meaning there is a learning curve to use ETH, but not with NEO.

Charting analysis:
NEO is about to complete a standard double ZigZag correction in wave 4. This is one of the best and favorable charts of all crypto currencies. Very clean trends and wavestructures. The best thing about this chart is, that wave 4 can even go below the high of wave 1 and still make a valid uptrend. Normally this would be a wave overlap which is not allowed, but not in this case. In fact, this would be the best thing that could happen to NEO. This would be considered a leading diagonal triangle indicating a big impulse up to come with targets above $20.00

Yes, the correction can easily go lower than it is now, but it does not have to do that. And I would be extremely sad to miss the rally again. This is why I am already in and I will happily buy more NEO if it goes down more...

CALL TO ACTION: Currently priced at $9.38, move quickly and pick up NEO for under $9.50!

STay ahead of the masses,

Seth Maniscalco
Founder, Crypto Wealth Coach
Owner, Modern Wealth Management
Founder, Trading Resource Artificial Intelligence Network (T.R.A.I.N.)
Very good post about BTC
@sathiaktar Right on!
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