23 Sep 2014 pukul 20.11



Bad codding, sluggish performance and no fibonacci lines more than fiev...

This is also ridiculous, this badging system, rewarding system or something. I don't want to be rewarded, by any badges or prizes. I want you to be rewarded by knowledge, and I think that this "Suggested chart" is bad for everybody. There are so many "Suggested chart" charts which are losers and would eat your money on breakfast if you follow it!

This is disaster! This should be by voting system! Only in that way anybody will promote some ideas based on what markets have done and how much money they have done! This is a damage system for people who wants good education. It promotes ideas, not real trading environment. This platform is starting to disintegrate for me, cause if you put too much to it then it is sluggish and distracting. Anyone can slap some ideas and be top 1. This is ridiculous! The pattern is clear. Of course there is some good people who tries to give you some ideas based on real experience from their trading, but so what? Internet is full of that kind of people, why I should come there? I can just search for interviews of good traders and see their strategy, without this garbage, of people wanting to be no 1 at any cost.

Ridiculous! I can't even post my charts from my source (like screenshot). If I'm not satisfy with your tools then allow me to post mine tools and everybody will be happy. You still can have watermarked promotion of brands of your choice. I still can't figure out now to do it this screenshot thing, but now I don't care, cause the pattern is clear about this platform.
Don't leave!
@kakola, Hi! I only left for a couple of years...
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